Tuesday, 11 January 2011


During our arctic spell, with the class numbers depleted, we have taken the opportunity to give our 'Wall of Fame' a lick of paint. After much discussion, blue was chosen as the suitable colour. Aaron and John were disappointed as the their choice of deep red was rejected by public vote.

Ray and I teamed up to give the wall a quick makeover. Ray's window cleaning ladders were just the trick for the up-high areas.
After the paint job, Aaron excelled himself by taking the hoover to the art room. A rare sight, Aaron showing his domestic prowess.


December has been a write-off for the Eco House art classes. Ross and I dug our way in to the house after our apocalyptic weather. Students arriving have been few and far between. So, now into the first week of the New Year, I look forward to numbers increasing again and getting a bit of a buzz back in the art room.